Lessons Learned-Beware of Potential Energy
A technician was troubleshooting a fan/motor issue in a 30 Ton RTU. He de-energized the unit. The fan came to a stop. As he was looking at the motor inside the fan section, he placed his hand on the lower section of the belt.
The pulley and belt started to move. It caught his left hand and pinched it between the belt and the pulley. He was able to rotate the pulley back and remove his hand.
What caused the fan to move?
There could have been a pressure change in the building. Even though the pulley and belt were moving slow, once it catches your hand, it’s trapped. He was wearing a cut level 2 glove. This may have helped to keep the pulley from cutting all the way through his finger. It can also be noted that the grip of the glove may have added to his hand getting caught.